Blog comment 5

Group G, Felix Rahm

Hey Felix!
I found this post interesting and easy to read. I like that you started of with bit of background about yourself to make the reader understand your knowledge about playtesting and what experience you already had. I do agree with you that people usually never critique the art the game, but I’ve never really thought about it to be honest. I think it is mostly because everyone have their own ”style” and skill level when it comes down to art, so people are probably afraid of hurting the artist feeling if the critique it. Which is wrong. Graphics students should get feedback on their part of the game as well!

I think this is a great post in general and everyone should read it so they also can understand the problem.
It’s a little off topic about how playtesting have affected your team, but its probably just because of the point your making. I Think this is probably the most valuable post I’ve read, you make a great statement about feedback to Graphics students, and its very well written!

Awesome job!

-Simon Ågren

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